Thursday, 9 April 2020

Task 2: Stop The Virus

How to stop the virus.

Wash your hands with soap or use hand sanitizer.

Cough in your elbow or use a tissue.

Put the tissues in the bin.

Cover your nose and your mouth with a face mask.


  1. Hi Maung Maung,
    Now I know you are all staying safe in your bubble. These are all the right things to do thank you for sharing we are so proud of what you are doing to keep safe.
    Ms Tumahai

  2. Hey Maung Maung

    What great advice to share with everyone, especially those who maybe don't know or need reminding about how to keep safe from the virus.

    Keep sharing your learning.Be safe.
    Miss T.A

  3. Hi MaungMaung
    What a great picture and awesome sharing on hygiene hope you and your family are well and safe



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